
core logic中文什么意思

发音:   用"core logic"造句
  • 磁心逻辑
  • core:    n. 1.果心。 2.(事物、问题等的)中心,核心;精髓 ...
  • logic:    n. 1.逻辑,理论学。 2.推理[方法];逻辑性,条理 ...
  • logic core:    【自、数】逻辑磁心。
  • cdl core diode logic:    磁芯二极管逻辑
  • core transistor logic:    磁心晶体管逻辑
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Class implements the core logic of the utility
  2. A maker of chipsets , or core logic chips , chen survived a shakeout to become a leader in the global industry
  3. It is common in this scenario to name program elements after their dominant or primary role , which is usually the core logic implemented by the program element
  4. In this way , you have an authentic entry point that resembles closely how you would expect your users to access the application that is composed of this core logic
  5. 5 . one part of core logic of a micro - control unit ( mcu ) and its external circuits are designed . this chip is verified exactly using fpga , and then synthesized using the standard library cells of tsmc
    5 )为上海一家ic设计有限公司设计了该公司的产品微控器的一部分核心逻辑和外围电路,并通过了严格的仿真测试和fpga验证,采用tsmc (台机电)的


        core:    n. 1.果心。 2.(事物、问题等的)中心,核心;精髓 ...
        logic:    n. 1.逻辑,理论学。 2.推理[方法];逻辑性,条理 ...
        logic core:    【自、数】逻辑磁心。
        cdl core diode logic:    磁芯二极管逻辑
        core transistor logic:    磁心晶体管逻辑
        ctl core transistor logic:    核心晶体管逻辑
        ferrite core logic switching:    磁心逻辑开关
        loaded core logic:    加载磁心逻辑
        logicor logic core:    逻辑磁芯
        magnetic core logic:    磁心逻辑
        transistor magnetic core logic:    晶体管磁心逻辑
        -logic:    -logic, -logical 〔构成与 -logy 结尾的名词相应的形容词〕表示“…学的”: biological, philological.
        and logic:    “与”逻辑
        logic:    n. 1.逻辑,理论学。 2.推理[方法];逻辑性,条理性。 3. 威力,压力,强制(力)。 deductive [inductive] logic演绎[归纳]逻辑。 dialectical logic辩证逻辑。 formal logic形式逻辑。 a gangster logic强盗逻辑,恶徒的歪理[言行]。 mathematical logic数理逻辑。 pure logic纯粹逻辑。 He is not governed by logic. 他没有逻辑性。 That is not logic. 那不合逻辑。 the irresistible logic of facts 事实的不可抗拒的威力。 the logic of events [war] 事件[战争]的强制力。 His logic is shaky. 他的推理站不住脚。 chop logic 诡辩。
        logic-and:    逻辑“与”
        or logic:    或逻辑
        core:    CORE =Congress of Racial Equality 〔美国〕争取种族平等大会。 n. 1.果心。 2.(事物、问题等的)中心,核心;精髓。 3.(地球的)地核;【地质学;地理学】岩心;【铸】型心;【建筑】衬心;【电学】(线)心,心线;(计算机的)磁心;(原子反应堆的)堆芯,活性区;(燃料元件)芯体。 4.(羊内脏中的)种瘤。 5.〔美国〕(各专业学生共修的)基础课。 throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食。 to the core 到心,彻底(rotten to the core 透心腐烂;坏入骨髓,糟糕透顶。 English to the core道地的英国人)。 vt. 挖去…的果心。
        in-core:    椎芯内的
        the core:    地心浩劫; 地心毁灭; 地心末日; 地心抢险记; 地心危机; 地心未日
        to the core:    彻底; 直至核心
        core; core band; veneer core:    芯板
        active logic:    有源逻辑
        actuating logic:    执行逻辑
        adaptive logic:    适应性逻辑(电脑); 自适应逻辑
        affective logic:    情感逻辑



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